Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Question of the Week: Computer Time

The first time I guest blogged for a major newspaper I flopped.  The blog topic was a success. However, I didn'tknow if I should reply to reader comments since blog host was responding tothem. I was too shy to ask. Instead I spent all day reading the electronic conversationwithout contributing a word.  For me it wasa fun anthropological study but not the point of the exercise. Now we all knowbetter. Blogs work only if we dialogue. The point is to interact.

Hmm. I wonder if it's too late to reply to comments on thatguest spot? It's only been about six years. Probably not, fortunately I'mscheduled for another blog guest spot in the near future. Stay tuned forinformation regarding that. Now that I know better I'll do better.

I promise to respond to comments here on “Try Hard Mommy”. I'llkeep posting hoping to ignite a thoughtful polite exchange. Let’s get thingsstarted with a question of the week.

What is your family’scomputer use rule for those under 16 years old?

Ourlittle one has access to a hand me down laptop on his living room desk. Our computeruse rule is liberal but complicated. We invented this concoction while tryingto balance his passion with our parental duty. The basics are that there is noleisure computer use on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays. With permission he mayuse the computer for 30 minutes on Thursday if he has completed the week'shomework. On Friday he is allowed another 30 minutes. Saturdays & Sundaysbegin with 30 minutes of usage. However on the weekend he can earn additionaltime if he goes above and beyond expectations in an area (i.e. with chores).

I’dlove to learn what happens in your family. We’re always in need of upgrading.

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